Designed to spark curiosity and nurture young minds, our preschool and Pre-K curricula at POSH Kids Development Center are crafted to inspire a love for learning. Our engaging programs focus on foundational skills, social development, and interactive experiences.
Rich Learning
Three-year-old hands are busy; our teachers keep students’ brains moving using mathematical activities that include sequencing, counting, patterns, and matching.
Language and Literacy
Teacher and child interactions through discussion, storytelling, and auto books are encouraged to help develop rich oral language, vocabulary and a strong foundation for social and emotional relationships. Our threes curriculum provides materials and strategies for maintaining healthy family partnerships and embracing the joy of everyday learning.
Preschoolers are provided opportunities to participate in vegetable gardening throughout the year. Our garden-to-table program helps children develop a love for natural science exploration and healthy eating habits that will last.
Social & Emotional
Our teachers use conscious discipline based on brain research. It is implemented to
help children understand how to communicate their needs and through techniques to help them solve problems and stay in control. Your child will learn mindful self-regulating techniques that will last a lifetime.
Daily Schedule
- Greeting
- Breakfast
- Restroom Break
- Greetings Circle
- Music And Movement
- Small Group Rotation
- Read Aloud #1
- Outdoor Learning
- Restroom Break
- Read Aloud #2
- Lunch
- Rest Period
- Restroom Break
- Small Group Rotation
- Afternoon Snack
- Stem Activity or Read Aloud # 3
- Closing Circle
- Prepare For Home
Lage Body movements are encouraged throughout the day. Children participate in various dancing and games throughout the day.
Our curriculum fosters development and prepares children for kindergarten readiness. Our interactive four-year-old Pre-K program celebrates the love of learning as children grow, develop, and thrive.
Prosperous Learning
Four-year-old brains are active; our teachers keep students busy and moving using hands-on mathematical activities that include sequencing, coding, measuring, adding, and subtracting.
Language and Literacy
develop rich oral language and vocabulary and a strong foundation for social and emotional connections. Our threes curriculum provides materials and strategies for maintaining healthy family partnerships and embracing the joy of everyday learning.
Pre-K students are provided opportunities to participate in cooking and vegetable gardening throughout the year. Our garden-to-table program helps children develop a love for natural science exploration and healthy, mindful eating habits that will last. Integrated steam projects promote problem-solving and beginning coding skills. Interactive digital programs support visual learning and families at home.
Social & Emotional
help children understand how to communicate their needs through techniques to help them solve problems and stay in control. Your child will learn mindful self-regulating techniques that will last a lifetime.
Lage Body movements are encouraged throughout the day. Children participate in various dancing, pulling, running, jumping, and climbing activities throughout the day.
Students began to write simple sentences.
Daily Schedule
- Breakfast
- Greeting Circle Morning Message
- Music And Movement
- Read Aloud #1
- Literacy Lessons with Practice Centers
- Outdoor Play
- Math Lesson
- Lunch
- Read Aloud #2
- Quiet Hour
- Afternoon Snack
- Outdoor Play
- STEAM Practice Centers
- Read Aloud #3
- Closing Circle and Dismissal